Directed by: Tiina Lymi
Original Title: Ilosia Aikoja, Mielensäpahoittaja
Genres: Comedy
Cast: Heikki Kinnunen, Sulevi Peltola, Satu Tuuli Karhu, Iikka Forss, Mari Perankoski, Jani Volanen, Elina Knihtilä, Janne Reinikainen, Kaisa Hela, Sari Siikander
Written by: Based on the novel by Thomas Kyrö; Tiina Lymi, Juha Lehtola, Tuomas Kyr
Produced by: Jukka Helle, Markus Selin
Production Company: Solar Films
Production year: 2018
Release year: 2018
Country: Finland
Language: Finnish
Subtitled Versions: English
Duration: 115 min
Format: HD
The Grump wants to die, because all the work is done; the meaning of life is gone. But just as his own coffin is being finished, a new life appears to the Grump. His grandchild Sofia, 17, is in trouble and needs the stubborness and wisdom of her grandfather and the warmth of the fireplace. The Grump gets a new meaning to his life – and a major secret. A stubborn old man and an young city girl get together and two halves grow up to be more than one whole human being.